Saturday, February 14, 2009

Here's to Life in '09!

Fear of having my brain erased by some "secure site" or discovering some modification of my already not-so-dignified life story displayed for all the world to see has prevented me heretofore from taking this giant least for me, it is a giant leap! However, in two days I celebrate another birthday. One year from that date, it will be necessary to face the fact that I am a grown-up --- no more pretending! SO, I've decided to spread my wings and perhaps learn a few things about myself.......... and life as a blogger as this year passes.

Although I will author this site, Steve and I will attempt to share a bit of our life together as we prepare for "Elysian Fields".


  1. None of that Ellysian business yet though, for now, just preparing to enjoy them, right!? WELCOME to the blogging WORLD!

  2. Yay! I miss you but this helping... :)

    And I agree with C - none of that Ellysain stuff.
